Friday, September 27, 2019

Nursing - Critically Reflective Account of a Leadership Issue Research Paper

Nursing - Critically Reflective Account of a Leadership Issue Pertinent to Your Own Work Role - Research Paper Example Research supports the concept that there is no one specific method or style that works all the time. Rather, the leader of a healthcare organization should understand and identify with employees and tailor his or her approach accordingly. Recent reforms have required healthcare organizations to implement new ways of operating and to redefine their purposes, the nature of their work and the relationships between employees. Old-style, top-down bureaucracies are being replaced by organizational structures and cultures in which shared the vision, partnerships, patient empowerment, and collaboration across professions and agencies, are emphasized. â€Å"Effective clinical leadership is essential in delivering the high-quality, person-centered care envisioned by health minister Lord Darzi in the final report of the NHS Next stage review, High-Quality Care for All† (department of health (DH) 2008). Lord Darzi says in his report, that â€Å"it is through unlocking talent that we will achieve high-quality care across the board†. ‘Unlocking talent’ involves tapping into the leadership abilities and potential of all front line staff to deliver high-quality, safe and efficient care to patients and service users. There are four key ideas that should be understood and explored in the creation of an appropriate workplace for health professionals in the new environment. They are patients, management, staff performance, and leadership. The changing requirements and concerns of patients demand that healthcare is delivered in integrated care patterns spreading across some clinical disciplines. (Edmonstone 2005, 10-11) A look into the future of healthcare points clearly toward an integrated approach to the dispensing of health services, from hospital care to health and community agencies. Healthcare in future will be considered from a whole systems approach with the appropriate inter-agency partnership to ensure faultless care. The new workplace must allow for  project-based teams, with core teams and provisional specialists who move from one core team to another.  

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